Hendrik Nel is Head: Financial Stability Department in the South African Reserve Bank. Hendrik started his career in the International Division of Volkskas Bank in 1984.  He lectured in Money and Banking at the Free State University from 1986 and obtained his B.Com degree in 1992 with a dissertation on “The applicability of various exchange rate systems for current international conditions”.

Hendrik was appointed at the Training Institute (SARB College) of the Reserve Bank in 1995 and was promoted to Senior Manager in the Bank Supervision Department in 1998 responsible for research.  In 2001 he was promoted and transferred to the Financial Stability Department as Assistant General Manager.  On 1 January 2012, he became Deputy General Manager and head of the Financial Stability Unit in the Bank Supervision Department. When the Financial Stability Department was re-established in April 2014, Hendrik was appointed as Head of Department.

He has several scientific and popular publications to his name, and has presented papers at various conferences and seminars.